Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Ok, so I'm finally getting ready to start up my shop. I don't have a set date, but in the near future. I'll be buying my supplies very soon. So here's most of what I have on the list so far. I still have a few things to add to the list, but this is most of it. Almost everything except for the screen cleaner is from SilkScreeningSupplies.com.

Which reminds me, things I still have to put on my list.... packing tape to protect the edges of the screen from ink, shipping supplies (bags, business cards, other misc stuff I can't reveal here. You just have to buy something if you want to find out what I mail with my packages.), big piece of glass for burning the screens, apron for protecting my clothes, stuff for organizing my workspace (hangers, calander, organizers for inks and chemicals, etc), and a few other things. This of course includes none of the clothing I still have to buy once I get going.
I am going to start really small, and build from there. Let's see how it goes!!
Labels: screenprinting, supplies
1 Talk To Me ♥
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Ok, so I'm so excited! I recently got back into making treasuries. I've done a couple in the past week or so, but before that I hadn't made one in over a year. So I made this little Octopus one on a whim in the Poster Sketch section on Etsy. Then I saw the Treasuries were opening up, so I made it. And I woke up on Monday to see that it was on the Front Page!!! I was so happy. So here's a screencap of my lil treasury on Etsy's front page:

0 Talk To Me ♥
Saturday, December 20, 2008
So I put this new song up on the side bar, and I love it. I just had to share. :) I think I must be posting this song everywhere. But I'm just all about it right now. So you have to enjoy it everywhere. :)
0 Talk To Me ♥
Monday, December 1, 2008
I've been so bad! I have neglected this blog so much...sad... I keep thinking of things I need to blog about, and then I don't take the time to do it. Now I'm REALLY behind!
What have I been up to? OODLES!!! I need to make several posts to get everyone up to speed. I have a list of all the supplies I'll be buying for screenprinting. I have all the new photoshoppy stuff I've been doing (I'm so into photomanips now!). I have new photos I've taken, new shows I'm watching, all kinds of things!
For now I'll update with some pictures I took yesterday. It snowed, so I took some pictures of the berries on the trees, but I also took pictures of a little surprise I put in our fridge. My sharpie really really wanted to come out and play. :P

And on a less silly and ridiculous note, the outdoor pics:

Meh, that's it for now. I don't feel like putting up more. I just realized I'll have to watermark all of these, just in case. Not that any of you would steal them, but you never know.
More later!
2 Talk To Me ♥