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The Welcome
I'm just simply a girl sharing my experiences, obsessions, and things I learn along the way.

The Girl
My name is Sara. I'm a twenty-something from South-East Michigan who's a professional, organized admin by day, and a disorganized, layed back creative type by night.
Typical things you'll see in my blog include:
*Learning how to screenprint & starting another Etsy shop
*Learning Korean, and my love of all things Korean :)
*latest loves, hates, things that make me laugh
*Other misc snippets from my life
*Whatever else comes out of my very disorganized brain...heaven help me

The Links
My Sites
Oh I Love That!
This Is My Light Bulb
My Etsy Shop, ChildofHope
Blogs I Love
Kevin In Korea
Life and Times of an ESL Teacher Abroad
Discharge Nation, Screenprinting Blog
Jenny Loves You
Ashley's Blog
Other Sites I love
Crunchy Roll
My Soju
I Can Has Cheezburger
All Recipes
Jenny Bunny Creations

The Archives
January 2008
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The Layout ©

ME. kynzgerl
CODES. manikka
The 2 paper heart: moargh.de
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ok, I have not posted here for SOOOOO long! So many things to update, and I didn't even do all the updates I promised last time! I will blog about my photomanips sometime, I promise. For now, I have a new design for my shop. I'll be starting up soon. I have one more payment on my credit card and then I'm officially out of credit card debt for good! I thought I'd be able to save some more before I start up, but the economy being what it is, my hours were cut. (oh noes!) So now I really need to start up soon to get money coming in (i hope).

Without further ado, my design:

I drew them completely on my new tablet that I got for my birthday! I was so excited to get this thing. This is my first finished drawing done on my tablet. Also, I borrowed the pic from phippsart because it was just about the only picture I could find on the whole internet that had a clean back of a girl's shirt. Go check his shop out, it's great. :)

I'm really hoping that once I start up, I can pay all my bills of course, but also save up for a good camera. I've got my sites set on a Canon XSi 12.2 megapixel. It'll take a while, but it'll be so worth it. My friend Sarah let me borrow her camera the other week, and I got seriously spoiled. I'll share those pics another time. Now I know I REALLY want one, and I can't wait until I can afford it.

Also, on a side note. I got bangs! I haven't had bangs in forever. Not since I was like 12. I had semi-sideswept bangs when I got my hair cut last september, but they grew out way too fast. I asked the girl who owns the hair salon in my office building if i could make an appointment to just have those cut, and she did it for me, right there! In about 30 seconds flat I had brand new bangs. She didn't even charge me! What a sweetie! I still wanted to give her a tip though, cause it was just so nice of her. I snapped a quick pic of them for you all to see. Here they are, in all their side-swept glory:

Sorry for the crummy pic taken in my bathroom with my crummy camera, but...that's whatcha get I guess. Someday when I can afford that new camera, you'll get high quality cheesy pics taken in the bathroom...in 12.2 megapixels! :P

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