Friday, February 13, 2009
Well, after a good long while of being relatively lazy, I'm trying to get back into exercising on a regular basis. I'm back on my trusty treadmill doing at least an hour every single day except Sunday. My motivation should be because I want to be fit and healthy. Of course, that's not enough motivation for me at the moment.
So I'm giving myself an extra push. I haven't watched my beloved Asian dramas in a while now. So I've decided to watch them while I'm on the treadmill. I can get my hour in, and watch some great drama too! It's the extra motivator I need, since I get really addicted to the shows. Now I have to be on the treadmill to watch them, so the first thing I think about when I get home from work is jumping on that sucker to play my next episode.
Right now I am watching the uber popular "Boys Over Flowers", the Korean version. It's still airing in Korea, and I am enjoying it. I really loved the Japanese version, and this one doesn't disappoint. So hopefully I'll keep at it and get myself in the shape I want to be in. If I lost 10 pounds, I'd be an ecstatic 123. I think that would be a good weight for my height and frame. I just need to keep using my weights while I run for my arms too, because that's where I have the hardest time getting toned. I'll hopefully be updating as I go.
Here's a video I found on Youtube from the show. It uses the soundtrack and doesn't give away too much (if by some chance, you're worried about spoilers).
p.s. If you're wondering why I haven't updated about my screenprinting, it's because I haven't bought my supplies yet. I know I said I was going to, but having less money now....parting with it is hard. Plus! I got a surprise trip down to Miami to see my bestest gal pal April and surprise her for her baby shower. It was amazing, but I also spent some money for the shower and the trip. I'll add the pics from that trip to the "More things I need to blog about but haven't" list.
Labels: drama, exercise, korean, youtube
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